The Feed and Forage Act is legislation passed by the United States Congress that allows the Military Departments to incur obligations in excess of available appropriations for clothing, subsistence, fuel, quarters, transportation and medical supplies. This provision is codified in Section 3732 of the Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. ยง 11). It also authorizes incurring deficiencies for costs of additional members of the Armed Forces on active duty-beyond the number for which funds are currently provided in DoD appropriations (Title 10 U.S.C.).
This authority requires Congressional notification and does not permit actual expenditures until Congress provides an appropriation of the required funds.
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The act has been amended over time and now reads in part:
It has been invoked on a number of occasions to deal with emergencies.
There is a controversy over whether, and the extent to which, the Act lets a President fund military operations for which Congress has not appropriated funds.
In November 2006, member of Congress and presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich wrote that the President could cite the Act to continue the Iraq War even if Congress withheld funds. [3]
In May 2007, the conservative National Journal published an article echoing this argument. [4]
In response, published "Exploring the Scope of the Feed and Forage Act of 1861"[5] suggesting a more limited interpretation: "... interpreting the Feed and Forage Act broadly probably gives great flexibility to Department of Defense officials to obtain anything they deem necessary, so long as it is for a short-term need that occurred in an emergency, could not be feasibly obtained through normal procedures, and was used in the fiscal year in which it was obtained. This interpretation would give Congress and the president much more, if not unlimited, time to negotiate a compromise..."[5]
Others [1] have argued that the Act cannot allow the President to continue military operations where Congress has used its Power of the purse to end them. It is argued that the intent of the Framers was that "the whole power of raising armies was lodged in the LEGISLATURE, not in the EXECUTIVE" [6] The Department of Defense's Financial Management Regulations notes that : "The Department shall limit its use of the authority in 41 U.S.C 11 to emergency circumstances." [5]
Many sources refer to a "Food and Forage Act"[2] but the name used by the U.S. Government is "Feed and Forage Act".[2][5]